About us

Claire Thomas

Qualified Babywearing Peer Supporter – School Of Babywearing
Qualified Babywearing Consultant – School Of Babywearing 2020
Breastfeeding Peer Supporter – Plymouth Latch On

Hi, I am Claire, one of Plymouth Sling Library CIC’s directors. I have two boys Maddox and Jasper and I started baby wearing with my eldest. Using a high-street carrier however, I quickly found it uncomfortable and discovered the sling library where I fell in love with stretchy wraps which quickly led me down the path of ‘buy all the slings!

My ultimate favourite carrier is a two-way stretchy for a new born, for me it just feels like perfection. Favourite buckle carrier is a Manduca, super comfy and super versatile. I am also trained as a breastfeeding peer supporter so always on hand during sessions if anyone needs me.

My passion for baby wearing stems from my own personal experiences, it has helped me cope with post-natal depression, juggling a new-born a toddler and a dog and also introduced me to the fabulous baby wearing community in Plymouth and friends for life.

Lizzie Spear

Qualified Babywearing Peer Supporter – Born to Carry
Qualified Babywearing Consultant – School Of Babywearing 2020
Breastfeeding Peer Supporter – Plymouth Latch On

Hi, I’m Lizzie, I am a mummy to two boys, Finley and Zachary. I have been using a range of slings and carriers since my eldest was about 6 months old (He’s now 11) and almost exclusively wore my youngest since birth purely as he wouldn’t be put down!!

I can honestly say babywearing has made my life as a mum, and a childminder, so much easier both physically and emotionally. With Finley I was given a high-street carrier when he was small, totally couldn’t get on with it so used a stretchy wrap which was much better. Once he reached about 2 I stopped wearing. At this point I discovered the sling library, which at the time was only small and just starting out.

I regularly went along even just to meet up with other mum’s and have a chat. After a while I just started helping at the sessions and then officially came on board. When Zach was born I immediately started with a stretchy wrap and then a Hop-Tye Wrap Tai (my all-time favourite alternative to a stretchy for a new born) and then continued from there to toddler carriers.

I am also a breastfeeding peer supporter and volunteer regularly on the NICU ward at Derriford Hospital so some of you may have already seen my face! I look forward to helping you on your babywearing journey.

Our History

In October 2012 two mums met at a baby group in Plymouth with a bag full of baby carriers and tentatively began to talk to the new parents around them about using slings. Word spread and soon parents began arriving just to talk about the baby carriers and see what the fuss was about.

In the early days the library went through a number of formats – from an NCT library to birth pool hire until eventually we were on our own! As those mums moved on to new ventures, Jessie took over the helm and has continued to expand and grow the library to where we are today. Jessie has recently stepped down and the Library is now owned and run by Lizzie, one of our long standing volunteers along with Claire, one of our other directors. We have expanded since March 2020 to include Plymouth Nappy Library.

From a once monthly hour meet we now run weekly 2 hour sessions for parents to attend with a library of nearly 200 carriers.

We have a growing team of volunteers, with Lizzie and Claire both qualified babywearing consultants and the rest of our team are peer support trained or admin based.

If volunteering with us is something that would interest you please get in touch.

What is a CIC?

Plymouth Sling Library were pleased to have their status as a Community Interest Company confirmed by Companies House in May 2016.

But what is a CIC?

A Community Interest Company (or CIC) is a special type of Limited Company which exists to benefit the community not private shareholders. As a social enterprise we take money for hiring baby carriers but reinvest our profits back into the company to keep doing what we do.

Our Vision and Values

We are a group of parents who volunteer our time to help other parents and caregivers learn how to safely and correctly carry their babies and toddlers and reap the associated benefits of babywearing.